Wednesday, October 14, 2015


updated October 14, 2015

Hong Kong Dispensary 1843
In 1836, Drs. Richard Henry Cox and [s.n.] Bradford opened a dispensary in Canton which they named the Canton Dispensary. Its operation in Canton was discontinued towards the end of 1842 and reopened in Hong Kong on January 1, 1843 under the name of Hong Kong Dispensary. By then, the business was owned by Drs. Alexander Anderson and Peter Young. The dispensary was located in the bazaar established and owned by William Morgan, a Jardine ship captain who later became the Hong Kong agent for Jardine's ships.

Welch & Stocker, Druggists 1846
The firm was established in 1846 by druggists James Welch and Charles Robert Stocker. It was located in Queen's Road.

Victoria Dispensary 1846
The proprietors of Victoria Dispensary were Drs. Thomas Hunter in Macau and George K. Barton, who ran the Hong Kong Branch, which was established in 1846. It was located in Pottinger Street and in 1848 was removed to Queen's Road. João Joaquim Braga, whose father worked for the Victoria Dispensary in Macau, was hired by Barton to work at the Hong Kong Branch.

The Medical Hall 1853-1914
The Medical Hall was a German-owned dispensary established by Dr. Harold von Kauffman (d.May 1891 Wiesbaden) in 1853 at a central location on Queen’s Road. Kauffman was married to a Spanish woman, Emelda Manuela. When he left Hong Kong in 1873 with his wife and four children, the Medical Hall was left to the management of a relative Theophile Koffer. Emil Niehardt joined the pharmacy in 1890 in the capacity of chemist and became the proprietor upon the departure of Koffer. Niehardt left in 1913 after spending forty one years in Hong Kong. In 1897, H. Kammel, an apothecary, was admitted as a partner. By 1914, all German business concerns were treated as enemy alien properties and faced liquidations. At the time when the Medical Hall was liquidated, it was situated on Ice House Street opposite the King Edward Hotel and under the management of pharmaceutical chemists A. Kucy and W. Kornetz.

The Medical Hall 1859+
This Medical Hall, a Portuguese-owned dispensary, had the same name as its german counterpart. People associated with it had included J.J. Braga. C. Braga, Vicente Barga, Joao L. Britto, Francisco da Roza and J. Jesus. It is likely that it was a business owned by the Braga family.

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