Friday, September 13, 2013

Medical Institutions

updated April 7, 2014.

Listed according to the date of establishment.

Councils and Assembles

Permanent Panels
Sanitary Board1883/4/18-1936to make sanitary by-laws and to consider other matters relating to public health and sanitation; replaced by Urban Council
Medical Board1884/4/5-to consider applications for the registration of medical or surgical practitioners
Board of Examiners - Sanitary Council, Hong Kong Branch1903-to conduct examinations of sanitary officers
Midwives Board1910/9/2-to conduct examinations and consider applications for the registration of midwives
Dental Board1914/8/1-to consider applications for the registration od dental practitioners
Medical Advisory Board to the Governor  
Nursing Board1931-to conduct examinations and consider applications for the registration of nurses
Tung Wah Hospitals Medical Committee1938/12/6-to act as the executive authority in all matters relating to the medical administration of the hospitals[1]
Ad Hoc Committees
Nutrition Research Committee1939/1/9-to inquire into the question of nutrition in Hong Kong[2]

[1] The members (inaugural) were: ex-officio: Peter Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke (Chairman), Visiting Medical Officer of Chinese Hospitals and Dispensaries, Medical Superintendent of Tung Wah Hospital, Medical Superintendent of Kwong Wah Hospital, Medical Superintendent of Tung Wah East Hospital; Governor appointees: Li Shu-fan 李樹芬, Lee Iu-cheung 李耀祥 (industrialist, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tung Wah Hospitals), Lam Ming-fan 林銘勳 (co-founder of Kowloon Motor Bus), Chow Yat-kwong 周日光 (son of Shouson Chow 周壽臣).

[2] The members were: Peter Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke (Chairman), Geoffrey Alton Craig Herklots, Li Tsoo-yiu 李祖佑, Nicol Campbell Macleod, Lindsay Tasman Ride, Tseung Fat-im 蔣法賢, Kenneth Harrison Uttley, Paul Biddulph Wilkinson; non-medical members: Alasdair Duncan Atholl MacGregor (Chief Justice), Frank H. Loseby (lawyer and author), Fred Flippance (Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Department),


British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch1890/11/15recognized by Council of The British Medical Association 1891/1/14
National Medical Association (of China)
中華醫學會, Hong Kong Branch
Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association 中華醫學會1920- 
Hong Kong Nurses and Midwives Association 香港護士及助產士會1940-1964nurse members split from the Association and formed a new society named Nurse Associates in 1964; renamed Hong Kong Midwives Association 1969


Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese1887-1912admitted a total of 128 students; granted 51 LMSH, first: 1892 Sun Yat-sen 孫中山; Kong Ying-wah 江英華, last: 1915 Alfred Stanley Tuxford
University of Hong Kong1912-present 

Military Hospitals

Naval and Military Hospital1841/1-
destroyed by typhoon
HMS Minden1843/6/7- 1844/6/first hospital ship; RN's military stationary ship for the China and India Station 1844/6; store ship 1848/12/20; sold for scrapping 1861/8
D'Aguilar Hospital (a.k.a. Old British Military Hospital)1844- 
HMS Aligator1846/12-to relieve HMS Minden; simultaneously served as a store ship; sold in Hong Kong 1865/10
The Sanatorium1863-ca.1865 
Royal Naval Hospital1873-1941 
British Military Hospital (a.k.a. Bowen Road Hospital) 山頂陸軍醫院1907-1967 
Royal Naval Sanatorium  
Combined Military Hospital  

Government Hospitals

Government Civil Hospital 政府公立醫院 (皇家醫館, 國家醫院)ca.1849-1937/6/30 
Lock Hospital 性病醫院1858-1937/6/7 
Smallpox Hospital1871-1873 
Lunatic Asylum1875-1885 
Hygeia 病人躉船"懈齋亞" (aka 海之家)1891 Hospital Hulk
Victoria Hospital for Women and Children1897-1947 
Kennedy Town Glass Works Hospital1894- 
Kowloon Hospital 九龍醫院1925-present 
Victoria Mental Hospital 精神病醫院1928- 
Shing Mun Hospital1933-1937/4/30 
Haw Par Hospital (St. John's Hospital), Cheung Chau 聖約翰醫院 (長洲醫院)1934-present 
Kam Tin Hospital (St. John's Hospital)ca.1936- 
Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院1937/4/13-present 
Lai Chi Kok Hospital 荔枝角醫院1937-2004 
Sai Ying Pun Infectious Diseases Hospital 西營盤醫院 1938-converted from the former Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital 東華痘局
Hong Kong Prison Hospital at Stanley  
Female Prison Hospital, Lai Chi Kok  
Tai Po Maternity Ward  

Private Hospitals

Hospital of the Medical Missionary Society 傳道會醫院1843-ca.1853 
Hong Kong Seamen's Hospital1843-1873 
Victoria Hospitalca.1843- 
St. Francis Hospital1852- 
Tung Wah Hospital 東華醫院1872/2-presentbecame a government hospital 1991
Alice Memorial Hospital 雅麗氏利濟醫院1887/02/17-presentAlice Memorial (together with its affiliate hospitals), the Nethersole and Ho Liu Ling Hospitals were amalgamated to become Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 1954. The new hospital became a government hospital 1991.
The Peak Hospital1889-1932 
Nethersole Hospital 那打素醫院1893/09/05-present 
St. Paul's Hospital (a.k.a. French Hospital) 法國嬰堂醫院1898-present 
Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital 東華痘局1902-1938herbal treatment; converted to become the Government Infectious Diseases Hospital
Alice Memorial Maternity Hospital1904/6/7-grouped under Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals
Ho Miu Ling Hospital 何妙齡醫院1906-present 
Matilda Hospital 瑪鐵達醫院 (later 明德醫院)1907-present 
Majima Hospital 馬島病院1908-1941/12founded and owned by Majima Keinosuke 馬島珪之助
Kwong Wah Hospital 廣華醫院1911-presentbecame a government hospital 1991
Pok Oi Hospital 博愛醫院1919-present 
Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital 贊育醫院1922-presentbecame a government hospital 1934
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital 養和醫院1922-present 
War Memorial Nursing Home1922- 
Canossian Hospital (a.k.a. Italian Hospital) 嘉諾撒醫院1929-present 
Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 東華東院1929-presentbecame a government hospital 1991
Tsun Wan Hospital1933- 
Babington Hospital and Sanatorium 惠德頤養院1934-1957 
Sisters of the Precious Blood Hospital 寶血醫院1937-present 
St. Teresa's Hospital 聖德肋撒醫院1940-present 
Tai Wo Hospital (a.k.a. Tai Wo Yuen) 太和醫院 (太和園)1941-1956 
Kam Wah Sanatorium 錦華療養院-1968 
Chinese Eastern Maternity Hospital  

Recommended reading: Hong Kong's First: Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century.


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