This blog was created on July 25, 2013. Admin. (Owner and Guest Authors Only) Disclaimer
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Don't forget to add “HKMD, 1841-1941” to your subject blank when you email me. I have a habit of deleting messages from people I don't know, and I don't want to throw away yours. Thank you. Hong Kong
I am taking the rest of the summer off and will reply to your email/comments when I am back. Thank you for your patience and I hope you too will have an enjoyable summer. (6/24/2016)
The best way to find your way around is to use the TOC (with labels) link. (9/24/2013)
Descendants of doctors who had practiced in Hong Kong before 1942 wishing to be guest authors in this blog are welcomed to drop me a line via email. (9/12/2013)
There are over 800 medical practitioners existing in Hong Kong between 1841 and 1941. I've covered 41 so far; two of them I know nothing of beyond their names, so I guess what I want to say is that – Be Patient. I'll thank you for that. (9/12/2013)
This may be a photo of him in the British Army in 1944
thanks Felix, will follow up on your lead.
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